CPA Exam Motivation Tip 4: Write Down the Score You Want

Reflection before the CPA Exam:

Yesterday I was studying during lunch (break at work). I was going over the notes I had taken when I was preparing for REG last window. Usually, when I study, I write down the time and date when I started on a particular page, and when I stopped. When I do my last minute study, it is motivating to see that I had put in some time and effort on different days, at different times, and I thought whatever I wrote down was important enough… anyway, I am digressing.

So, I wanted to write dates and times as I was reviewing my “old” notes. I did, but it didn’t feel as great as the last time… so I thought for a minute, and it occurred to me that since I know the score I am shooting for, it may be motivating for me to write it on every page that I pass through… and before I turn the page over and write the score again, I stop to consider if my effort on this particular page, was good enough to get me that 99. I noticed that I covered a lot of ground during that 1 hour lunch break. I am not sure whether it had to do with the score writing and focus, or it was just because I was going over the notes one more time and I was familiar with most of the concepts.

Another benefit of writing down the score you want, (from a motivational point of view), is that you feel like you are in control of what you will get. Not only is your goal passing, but it is more focused on passing with a certain score. I am thinking that you can use “your number” as guide as you do multiple choice questions and simulations. Obviously, if you are shooting for a 75 and you are getting 75 as you practice, you may be in dangerous territory. Aim higher.

Work harder. Shoot for the stars. When you only make it to the moon, you are still way up there, floating in the heavens! Source